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Circonus Kubernetes Agent

The Circonus Kubernetes Agent is designed to retrieve metrics from a Kubernetes cluster. It runs as a deployment and forwards Kubernetes provided metrics for cluster, nodes, pods, and containers to Circonus.



For full functionality a recent version of kube-state-metrics should be installed in the cluster — see kube-state-metrics deployment instructions for more information.


For DNS metrics, the agent will look for a service named kube-dns in the kube-system namespace. It will check for two annotations, and If scrape is true, the agent will collect metrics from the endpoints listed for the target port. For example:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
annotations: "9153" "true"
k8s-app: kube-dns "true" KubeDNS
name: kube-dns
namespace: kube-system
k8s-app: kube-dns
type: ClusterIP
- name: dns
port: 53
protocol: UDP
targetPort: 53
- name: dns-tcp
port: 53
protocol: TCP
targetPort: 53
- name: metrics
port: 9153
protocol: TCP
targetPort: 9153

NOTE: If the annotations are not defined on the service and the service cannot be modified to add the annotations but the pods backing the kube-dns service do expose metrics, use kube-dns-metrics-port to define the port from which to request /metrics.



Default (simple)

  1. Clone repo
  2. In deploy/default/configuration.yaml set the following required attributes:
    • Circonus API Token - circonus-api-key
    • Kubernetes Cluster Name - kubernetes-name - short, unique string w/o spaces
    • Circonus Alert Email - default-alerts.json-> - email address for default alerts
  3. Apply kubectl apply -f deploy/default/


  1. Clone repo
  2. Verify deploy/custom/authrbac.yaml, alter any applicable settings for cluster security
  3. Change any applicable settings in deploy/custom/configuration.yaml, minimum required:
    • Circonus API Token
    • Check Target (optional, Kubernetes cluster name will be used if not supplied) - so agent can find check on restart (short, unique string w/o spaces - normally this is a FQDN)
    • Kubernetes Cluster Name - used for check title when creating a check
    • Circonus Alert Email - email address for default alerts
  4. Change any applicable settings in deploy/custom/deployment.yaml
  5. Apply kubectl apply -f deploy/custom/


NOTE: Only use this deployment as requested by Circonus.

  1. Clone repo
  2. In deploy/observation/configuration.yaml set the following required attributes:
    • Circonus API Token - circonus-api-key
    • Kubernetes Cluster Name - kubernetes-name - short, unique string w/o spaces
  3. Apply kubectl apply -f deploy/observation/

helm (contrib)

  1. Clone repo
  2. Make updates to files in contrib/helm to customize settings
  3. Install
helm install contrib/helm \
--name=<Helm release name> \
--set=circonus_api_key=<some valid Circonus API key> \
--set=kubernetes_name=<kubernetes-name> \
--set=circonus_check_target=<circonus-check-target> \


circonus-kubernetes-agent [flags]

--api-app string [ENV: CKA_CIRCONUS_API_APP] Circonus API Token App name (default "circonus-kubernetes-agent")
--api-cafile string [ENV: CKA_CIRCONUS_API_CAFILE] Circonus API CA file
--api-debug [ENV: CKA_CIRCONUS_API_DEBUG] Debug Circonus API calls
--api-key string [ENV: CKA_CIRCONUS_API_KEY] Circonus API Token Key
--api-key-file string [ENV: CKA_CIRCONUS_API_KEY_FILE] Circonus API Token Key file
--api-url string [ENV: CKA_CIRCONUS_API_URL] Circonus API URL (default "")
--check-broker-ca-file string [ENV: CKA_CIRCONUS_CHECK_BROKER_CAFILE] Circonus Check Broker CA file
--check-broker-cid string [ENV: CKA_CIRCONUS_CHECK_BROKER_CID] Circonus Check Broker CID to use when creating a check (default "/broker/35")
--check-bundle-cid string [ENV: CKA_CIRCONUS_CHECK_BUNDLE_CID] Circonus Check Bundle CID
--check-create [ENV: CKA_CIRCONUS_CHECK_CREATE] Circonus Create Check if needed (default true)
--check-tags string [ENV: CKA_CIRCONUS_CHECK_TAGS] Circonus Check Tags
--check-target string [ENV: CKA_CIRCONUS_CHECK_TARGET] Circonus Check Target host
--check-title string [ENV: CKA_CIRCONUS_CHECK_TITLE] Circonus check display name (default: <--k8s-name> /circonus-kubernetes-agent)
-c, --config string config file (default: /etc/circonus-kubernetes-agent.yaml|.json|.toml)
--custom-rules-file string [ENV: CKA_CIRCONUS_CUSTOM_RULES_FILE] Circonus custom rules configuration file (default "/ck8sa/custom-rules.json")
-d, --debug [ENV: CKA_DEBUG] Enable debug messages
--default-alerts-file string [ENV: CKA_CIRCONUS_DEFAULT_ALERTS_FILE] Circonus default alerts configuration file (default "/ck8sa/default-alerts.json")
--default-streamtags string [ENV: CKA_CIRCONUS_DEFAULT_STREAMTAGS] Circonus default streamtags for all metrics
-h, --help help for circonus-kubernetes-agent
--k8s-api-cafile string [ENV: CKA_K8S_API_CAFILE] Kubernetes API CA File (default "/var/run/secrets/")
--k8s-api-timelimit string [ENV: CKA_K8S_API_TIMELIMIT] Kubernetes API request timelimit (default "10s")
--k8s-api-url string [ENV: CKA_K8S_API_URL] Kubernetes API URL (default "https://kubernetes.default.svc")
--k8s-bearer-token string [ENV: CKA_K8S_BEARER_TOKEN] Kubernetes Bearer Token
--k8s-bearer-token-file string [ENV: CKA_K8S_BEARER_TOKEN_FILE] Kubernetes Bearer Token File (default "/var/run/secrets/")
--k8s-dynamic-collector-file string [ENV: CKA_K8S_DYNAMIC_COLLECTOR_FILE] Kubernetes dynamic collectors configuration file (default "/ck8sa/dynamic-collectors.yaml")
--k8s-enable-api-server [ENV: CKA_K8S_ENABLE_API_SERVER] Kubernetes enable collection from api-server (default true)
--k8s-enable-cadvisor-metrics [ENV: CKA_K8S_ENABLE_CADVISOR_METRICS] Kubernetes enable collection of kubelet cadvisor metrics
--k8s-enable-events [ENV: CKA_K8S_ENABLE_EVENTS] Kubernetes enable collection of events (default true)
--k8s-enable-kube-dns-metrics [ENV: CKA_K8S_ENABLE_KUBE_DNS_METRICS] Kubernetes enable collection of kube dns metrics (default true)
--k8s-enable-kube-state-metrics [ENV: CKA_K8S_ENABLE_KUBE_STATE_METRICS] Kubernetes enable collection from kube-state-metrics (default true)
--k8s-enable-metrics-server [ENV: CKA_K8S_ENABLE_METRICS_SERVER] Kubernetes enable collection from metrics-server
--k8s-enable-node-metrics [ENV: CKA_K8S_ENABLE_NODE_METRICS] Kubernetes include metrics for individual nodes (default true)
--k8s-enable-node-stats [ENV: CKA_K8S_ENABLE_NODE_STATS] Kubernetes include summary stats for individual nodes (and pods) (default true)
--k8s-enable-nodes [ENV: CKA_K8S_ENABLE_NODES] Kubernetes include metrics for individual nodes (default true)
--k8s-include-containers [ENV: CKA_K8S_INCLUDE_CONTAINERS] Kubernetes include metrics for individual containers
--k8s-include-pods [ENV: CKA_K8S_INCLUDE_PODS] Kubernetes include metrics for individual pods (default true)
--k8s-interval string [ENV: CKA_K8S_INTERVAL] Kubernetes Cluster collection interval (default "1m")
--k8s-ksm-field-selector-query string [ENV: CKA_K8S_KSM_FIELD_SELECTOR_QUERY] Kube-state-metrics fieldSelector query for finding the correct KSM installation (default "")
--k8s-ksm-metrics-port-name string [ENV: CKA_K8S_KSM_METRICS_PORT_NAME] Kube-state-metrics metrics port name (default "http-metrics")
--k8s-ksm-request-mode string [ENV: CKA_K8S_KSM_REQUEST_MODE] Kube-state-metrics request mode, proxy or direct (default "direct")
--k8s-ksm-telemetry-port-name string [ENV: CKA_K8S_KSM_TELEMETRY_PORT_NAME] Kube-state-metrics telemetry port name (default "telemetry")
--k8s-kube-dns-metrics-port string [ENV: CKA_K8S_KUBE_DNS_METRICS_PORT] Kube dns metrics port if annotations not on service definition (default "10054")
--k8s-name string [ENV: CKA_K8S_NAME] Kubernetes Cluster Name (used in check title)
--k8s-node-selector string [ENV: CKA_K8S_NODE_SELECTOR] Kubernetes key:value node label selector expression
--k8s-pod-label-key string [ENV: CKA_K8S_POD_LABEL_KEY] Include pods with label
--k8s-pod-label-val string [ENV: CKA_K8S_POD_LABEL_VAL] Include pods with pod label and matching value
--k8s-pool-size uint [ENV: CKA_K8S_POOL_SIZE] Kubernetes node collector pool size (default 4)
--log-level string [ENV: CKA_LOG_LEVEL] Log level [(panic|fatal|error|warn|info|debug|disabled)] (default "info")
--log-pretty Output formatted/colored log lines [ignored on windows]
--metric-filters-file string [ENV: CKA_CIRCONUS_METRIC_FILTERS_FILE] Circonus Check metric filters configuration file (default "/ck8sa/metric-filters.json")
--show-config string Show config (json|toml|yaml) and exit
--trace-submits string Trace metrics submitted to Circonus to passed directory (one file per submission)
-V, --version Show version and exit

Dynamic collection

Dynamic collection simplifies gathering desirable metrics exposed in Prometheus format from endpoints, services, pods, and nodes.

  1. Use the Custom deployment method in order to configure dynamic collectors
  2. Add metric filters to the configuration for the desired metrics from dynamic collectors.

Configuration options

The configuration is defined in the custom deployment yaml configuration file.

- name: "" # required
disable: false # disable this collector
type: "" # required - endpoints, nodes, pods, services
selectors: # defaults to all of the type
label: "" # labelSelector expression
field: "" # fieldSelector expression
control: # control whether to collect metrics from specific item
annotation: "" # use the value of an annotation
label: "" # use the value of a label
value: "" # use a static value ("1", "t", "T", "TRUE", "true", "True", "0", "f", "F", "FALSE", "false", "False")
metric_port: # define port to use in metric request
annotation: "" # use the value of an annotation
label: "" # use the value of a label
value: "" # use a static value
metric_path: # define path to use in metric request, default `/metrics`
annotation: "" # use the value of an annotation
label: "" # use the value of a label
value: "" # use a static value
schema: # scema to use in metric request, default "http"
annotation: "" # use the value of an annotation
label: "" # use the value of a label
value: "" # use a static value ("http" or "https")
rollup: # rollup metrics, default "false"
annotation: "" # use the value of an annotation
label: "" # use the value of a label
value: "" # use a static value ("1", "t", "T", "TRUE", "true", "True", "0", "f", "F", "FALSE", "false", "False")
tags: "" # comma separated list of static tags to add
label_tags: "" # comma separated list of labels on the item to add as tags
nameyesname of this collectorn/a
disablenodisable a collector, but keep the configurationfalse
typeyestype of the collector (endpoints, nodes, pods, services)n/a
selectorsdefine what items of the type to collect
selectors.labelnoa labelSelector for the typeall for type
selectors.fieldnoa fieldSelector for the typeall for type
controlcontrols collection of metrics (string parsed as boolean)
control.annotationnoannotation to use e.g. "monitor"
control.labelnolabel to use e.g. "metricsCollect"
control.valuenostatic value (1, t, T, TRUE, true, True, 0, f, F, FALSE, false, False)"true"
metric_portdefines the port to use for the metric request
metric_port.annotationnoannotation to use
metric_port.labelnolabel to use
metric_port.valuenostatic port for all instances (e.g. "8080")
metric_pathdefines the path to use for the metric request
metric_path.annotationnoannotation to use
metric_path.labelnolabel to use
metric_path.valuenostatic path to use for all instances"/metrics"
schemanoHTTP request schema http or https
schema.annotationnoannotation to use
schema.labelnolabel to use
schema.valuenostatic schema for all instances"http"
rollupnocontrol rolling up metrics (string parsed as boolean)
rollup.annotationnoannotation to use
rollup.labelnolabel to use
rollup.valuenostatic value (1, t, T, TRUE, true, True, 0, f, F, FALSE, false, False)"false"
tagsnocomma separated list of static tags to add e.g. "app:myapp,foo:bar"
label_tagsnocomma separated list of labels to use as tags e.g. "environment,location"


From endpoints with the label, collect metrics from port 9153 using the default path of /metrics.

- name: "kube-dns"
type: "endpoints"
label: ""
value: "9153"

From all pods with a label appName set to myapp, collect if the pod has an annotation metricsCollect with a value of true, use the values of the metricsPort and metricsPath annotations when constructing the metric request URL. Add the static tag env:prod and use the item labels appName and location as tags.

- name: "myapp"
type: "pods"
label: "appName=myapp"
annotation: ""
annotation: ""
annotation: ""
tags: "env:prod"
label_tags: "appName,location"