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The HTTP Check monitors the status of your local or remote HTTP endpoints by issuing HTTP requests and collecting HTTP response data like response code, time and size.


The only required parameter is the URL to check, including scheme and hostname (as you would type into a browser's location bar.)

Optional parameters: |Name|Description| |----|-----------| |method|The HTTP method to use (default: GET)| |http_version|The HTTP protocol version to use (default: 1.1)| |header name/value|Include an arbitrary header in the HTTP request.| |payload|Information sent as the payload of the HTTP request.| |auth_method|HTTP authentication method to use (default: None)| |auth_user|The user to authenticate as.| |auth_password|The password to use during authentication.| |redirects|The maximum number of Location header redirects to follow (default: 0)|

If server authorization is necessary for this resource, you will need to enter the server authorization information (Auth Username, Auth Password, Auth Method) under "Advanced Configuration". You can also enter a payload to send and copy and paste a CA Certificate under "Advanced Configuration".


Typical metrics include: |Name|Type|Description| |----|----|-----------| |bytes|numeric|Total bytes received.| |code|text|Response code received.| |duration|numeric|Total request duration, in milliseconds.| |truncated|numeric|Response, truncated.| |tt_connect|numeric|Time to connect, in milliseconds.| |tt_firstbyte|numeric|Time to receive first byte, in milliseconds.|

If SSL/TLS is enabled, the following additional metrics are returned: |Name|Type|Description| |----|----|-----------| |cert_end|numeric|The Unix epoch time representing the expiration date of the TLS certificate.| |cert_end_in|numeric|The number of seconds between now (as measured at the Circonus broker) and the cert_end value.| |cert_error|text|Text of any certificate validation error(s), or null if no errors.| |cert_issuer|text|The subject of the issuer's certificate, typically a Certificate Authority (CA) certificate.| |cert_start|numeric|The Unix epoch time representing the validity start date of the TLS certificate.| |cert_subject|text|The subject of the server's TLS certificate.| |cert_subject_alternative_names|text|A list of any X509v3 Subject Alternative Names (SAN) that the TLS certificate protects.|