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How to install IRONdb on a system.

System Requirements

IRONdb requires one of the following operating systems:

  • RHEL/CentOS 7 (7.4-7.9)
  • Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
  • Ubuntu 22.04 LTS

Additionally, IRONdb requires the ZFS filesystem. This is available natively on Ubuntu, but for EL7 installs, you will need to obtain ZFS from the ZFS on Linux project. The setup script expects a zpool to exist, but you do not need to create any filesystems or directories ahead of time. Please refer to the appendix ZFS Setup Guide for details and examples.

Hardware requirements will necessarily vary depending upon system scale and cluster size. An appendix with general guidelines for calculating cluster size is provided. Please contact us with questions regarding system sizing.

Circonus recommends the following minimum system specification for the single-node, free, 25K-metrics option:

  • 1 CPU
  • 4 GB RAM
  • SSD-based storage, 20 GB available space

The following network protocols and ports are utilized. These are defaults and may be changed via configuration files.

  • 2003/tcp (Carbon plaintext submission)
  • 4242/tcp (OpenTSDB plaintext submission)
  • 8112/tcp (admin UI, HTTP REST API, cluster replication, request proxying)
  • 8112/udp (cluster gossip)
  • 8443/tcp (admin UI, HTTP REST API when TLS configuration is used)
  • 32322/tcp (admin console, localhost only)

System Tuning

IRONdb is expected to perform well on a standard installation of supported platforms, but to ensure optimal performance, there are a few tuning changes that should be made. This is especially important if you plan to push your IRONdb systems to the limit of your hardware.

Linux: Disable Swap

With systems dedicated solely to IRONdb, there is no need for swap space. Configuring no swap space during installation is ideal, but you can also swapoff -a and comment out any swap lines from /etc/fstab.

Linux: Disable Transparent Hugepages

THP can interact poorly with the ZFS ARC, causing reduced performance for IRONdb.

Disable by setting these two kernel options to never:

echo never > /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/enabled
echo never > /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/defrag

Making these changes persistent across reboot differs depending on distribution.

For Ubuntu, install the sysfsutils package and edit /etc/sysfs.conf, adding the following lines:

kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/enabled = never
kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/defrag = never

Note: the sysfs mount directory is automatically prepended to the attribute name.

For RHEL/CentOS, there is not a simple method to ensure THP is off. You can add the above echo commands to /etc/rc.local, or you can create your own systemd service to do it, or you can create a custom tuned profile containing a [vm] section that sets transparent_hugepages=never.

Installation Steps

Follow these steps to get IRONdb installed on your system.

System commands must be run as a privileged user, such as root, or via sudo.

Configure Software Sources

Configure package repositories.

EL7 Repository

If you wish to validate package signatures, the Circonus Packaging key is available from Keybase.

Create the file /etc/yum.repos.d/Circonus.repo with the following contents:

enabled = 1
gpgcheck = 1
gpgkey =

name=Circonus - Crash Reporting
enabled = 1
gpgcheck = 0

Ubuntu Repository

Install the signing keys:

sudo curl -s -o /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/circonus.asc \

sudo curl -s -o /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/backtrace.asc \

Create the file /etc/apt/sources.list.d/circonus.list with the following contents, depending on the version:

for Ubuntu 20.04:

deb focal main
deb focal main

for Ubuntu 22.04:

deb jammy main
deb jammy main

Finally, run sudo apt-get update.

Install Package

EL7: sudo yum install circonus-platform-irondb

Ubuntu: we have a helper package that works around issues with dependency resolution, since IRONdb is very specific about the versions of dependent Circonus packages, and apt-get is unable to cope with them. The helper package must be installed first, i.e., it cannot be installed in the same transaction as the main package.

sudo apt-get install circonus-platform-irondb-apt-policy
sudo apt-get install circonus-platform-irondb

Setup Process

Prepare site-specific information for setup. These values may be set via shell environment variables, or as arguments to the setup script. The environment variables are listed below.

NOTE: if you wish to use environment variables, you will need to run the install from a root shell, as sudo will clear the environment when it runs.


(required) The ID of the current node, which must be unique within a given cluster. You may use the uuidgen command that comes with your OS, or generate a well-formed, non-nil UUID with an external tool or website. Note that this must be a lowercase UUID. The uuidgen tool on some systems, notably MacOS, produces uppercase. Setup will warn and convert the UUID to lowercase.


(required) The IPv4 address or hostname of the current node, e.g., "" or "". Hostnames will be resolved to IP addresses once at service start. Failures in DNS resolution may cause service outages.


(required) Check ID for Graphite, OpenTSDB, and Prometheus metric ingestion, which must be the same on all cluster nodes. You may use the uuidgen command that comes with your OS, or generate a well-formed, non-nil UUID with an external tool or website. Note that this must be a lowercase UUID. The uuidgen tool on some systems, notably MacOS, produces uppercase. Setup will warn and convert the UUID to lowercase.


(optional) Configures listeners to require TLS where applicable. Default is "off". If set to "on", a second HTTPS listener will be created on port 8443, for external clients to use for metric submission and querying. Two SSL certificates will be required, utilizing different CNs. See TLS Configuration for details.

This is currently an alpha feature, for testing only.

Note that OpenTSDB does not support TLS. Even if this option is set to "on", the listener on port 4242 will not use TLS.

Because of the certificate requirement, the service will not automatically start post-setup.


(optional) Controls enablement of automated crash reporting. Default is "on". IRONdb utilizes sophisticated crash tracing technology to help diagnose errors. Enabling crash reporting requires that the system be able to connect out to the Circonus reporting endpoint: . If your site's network policy forbids this type of outbound connectivity, set the value to "off".


(optional) The name of the zpool that should be used for IRONdb storage. If this is not specified and there are multiple zpools in the system, setup chooses the pool with the most available space.

Run Installer

Run the setup script. All required options must be present, either as environment variables or via command-line arguments. A mix of environment variables and arguments is permitted, but environment variables take precedence over command-line arguments.

/opt/circonus/bin/setup-irondb \
-a <ip_or_hostname> \
-n <node_uuid> \
-u <integration_check_uuid>

Use the -h option to view a usage summary.

The setup script will configure your IRONdb instance and start the service. If you chose to turn on TLS support, the service will not automatically start. Once you have installed the necessary key and certificate files, enable and start the service.

Upon successful completion, it will print out specific information about how to submit Graphite, OpenTSDB, and Prometheus metrics. See the Integrations section for details.

Add License


IRONdb comes with an embedded license that allows all features with a limit of 25K active, unique metric streams. If you wish to obtain a more expansive license, please contact Circonus Sales.

Add the <license> stanza from your purchased IRONdb license to the file /opt/circonus/etc/licenses.conf on your IRONdb instance, within the enclosing <licenses> tags. It should look something like this:

<license id="(number)" sig="(cryptographic signature)">

If you are running a cluster of IRONdb nodes, the license must be installed on all nodes.

Restart the IRONdb service:

  • /bin/systemctl restart circonus-irondb

For more on licensing see: Configuration/licenses

Cluster Configuration

Additional configuration is required for clusters of more than one IRONdb node. The topology of a cluster describes the addresses and UUIDs of the participating nodes, as well as the desired number of write copies for stored data. Ownership of metric streams (deciding which node that stream's data should be written to) is determined by the topology.

The above setup script configures a single, standalone instance. If you have already been using such an instance, configuring it to be part of a cluster will cause your existing stored data to become unavailable. It is therefore preferable to complete cluster setup prior to ingesting any metric data into IRONdb.

Note for existing clusters: adding one or more nodes to an existing cluster requires a special "rebalance" operation to shift stored metric data to different nodes, as determined by a new topology. See Resizing Clusters for details.

Determine Cluster Parameters

The number and size of nodes you need is determined by several factors:

  • Frequency of measurement ingestion
  • Desired level of redundancy (write copies)
  • Minimum granularity of rollups
  • Retention period

The number of write copies determines the number of nodes that can be unavailable before metric data become inaccessible. A cluster with W write copies can survive W-1 node failures before data become inaccessible.

See the appendix on cluster sizing for details.

Topology Requirements

There are a few important considerations for IRONdb cluster topologies:

  • A specific topology is identified by a hash. IRONdb clusters always have an "active" topology, referenced by the hash.
  • The topology hash is determined using the values of id, port, and weight, as well as the ordering of the <node> stanzas. Changing any of these on a previously configured node will invalidate the topology and cause the node to refuse to start. This is a safety measure to guard against data loss.
  • UUIDs must be well-formed, non-nil, and lowercase.
  • The node address may be changed at any time without affecting the topology hash, but care should be taken not to change the ordering of any node stanzas.
  • If a node fails, its replacement should keep the same UUID, but it can have a different IP address or hostname.

Create Topology Layout

The topology layout describes the particular nodes that are part of the cluster as well as aspects of operation for the cluster as a whole, such as the number of write copies. The layout file is not read directly by IRONdb, rather it is used to create a canonical topology representation that will be referenced by the IRONdb config.

A helper script exists for creating the topology: /opt/circonus/bin/topo-helper:

Usage: ./topo-helper [-h] -a <start address>|-A <addr_file> -w <write copies> [-i <uuid,uuid,...>|-n <node_count>] [-s]
-a <start address> : Starting IP address (inclusive)
-A <addr_file> : File containing node IPs or hostnames, one per line
-i <uuid,uuid,...> : List of (lowercased) node UUIDs
If omitted, UUIDs will be auto-generated
-n <node_count> : Number of nodes in the cluster (required if -i is omitted)
-s : Create a sided configuration
-w <write copies> : Number of write copies
-h : Show usage summary

This will create a temporary config, which you can edit afterward, if needed, before importing. There are multiple options for generating the list of IP addresses or hostnames, and for choosing the node UUIDs.

The simplest form is to give a starting IP address, a node count, and a write-copies value. For example, in a cluster of 3 nodes, where we want 2 write copies:

/opt/circonus/bin/topo-helper -a -n 3 -w 2

The resulting temporary config (/tmp/topology.tmp) looks like this:

<nodes write_copies="2">
<node id="7dffe44b-47c6-43e1-db6f-dc3094b793a8"
<node id="964f7a5a-6aa5-4123-c07c-8e1a4fdb8870"
<node id="c85237f1-b6d7-cf98-bfef-d2a77b7e0181"

The helper script auto-generated the node UUIDs. You may edit this file if needed, for example if your IP addresses are not sequential.

You may supply your own UUIDs in a comma-separated list, in which case the node count will be implied by the number of UUIDs:

/opt/circonus/bin/topo-helper -a -w 2 -i <uuid>,<uuid>,<uuid>

If you wish to use DNS names instead of IP addresses, you can provide them in a file, one per line:

$ cat host_list.txt

Then pass the filename to the helper script:

/opt/circonus/bin/topo-helper -A host_list.txt -n 3 -w 2

To configure a sided cluster, use the -s option. This will assign alternate nodes to side "a" or "b". If you wish to divide the list differently, you may edit the /tmp/topology.tmp file accordingly. If omitted, the cluster will be non-sided, if the node count is less than 10. For clusters of 10 or more nodes, the helper script will default to configuring a sided cluster, because there are significant operational benefits, described below.

When you are satisfied that it looks the way you want, copy /tmp/topology.tmp to /opt/circonus/etc/topology on each node, then proceed to the Import Topology step.

Sided Clusters

One additional configuration dimension is possible for IRONdb clusters. A cluster may be divided into two "sides", with the guarantee that at least one copy of each stored metric exists on each side of the cluster. For W values greater than 2, write copies will be assigned to sides as evenly as possible. Values divisible by 2 will have the same number of copies on each side, while odd-numbered W values will place the additional copy on the same side as the primary node for each metric. This allows for clusters deployed across typical failure domains such as network switches, rack cabinets or physical locations.

Even if the cluster nodes are not actually deployed across a failure domain, there are operational benefits to using a sided configuration, and as such it is highly recommended that clusters of 10 or more nodes be configured to be sided. For example, a 32-node, non-sided cluster with 2 write copies will have a partial outage of data availability if any 2 nodes are unavailable simultaneously. If the same cluster were configured with sides, then up to half the nodes (8 from side A and 8 from side B) could be unavailable and all data would still be readable.

Sided-cluster configuration is subject to the following restrictions:

  • Only 2 sides are permitted.
  • An active, non-sided cluster cannot be converted into a sided cluster as this would change the existing topology, which is not permitted. The same is true for conversion from sided to non-sided.
  • Both sides must be specified, and non-empty (in other words, it is an error to configure a sided cluster with all hosts on one side.)

To configure a sided topology, add the side attribute to each <node>, with a value of either a or b. If using the topo-helper tool in the previous section, use the -s option. A sided configuration looks something like this:

<nodes write_copies="2">
<node id="7dffe44b-47c6-43e1-db6f-dc3094b793a8"
<node id="964f7a5a-6aa5-4123-c07c-8e1a4fdb8870"
<node id="c85237f1-b6d7-cf98-bfef-d2a77b7e0181"

Import Topology

This step calculates a hash of certain attributes of the topology, creating a unique "fingerprint" that identifies this specific topology. It is this hash that IRONdb uses to load the cluster topology at startup. Import the desired topology with the following command:

/opt/circonus/bin/snowthimport \
-c /opt/circonus/etc/irondb.conf \
-f /opt/circonus/etc/topology

If successful, the output of the command is compiling to <long-hash-string>.

Next, update /opt/circonus/etc/irondb.conf and locate the topology section, typically near the end of the file. Set the value of the topology's active attribute to the hash reported by snowthimport. It should look something like this:

<topology path="/opt/circonus/etc/irondb-topo"

Save the file and restart IRONdb:

  • (EL7, Ubuntu) /bin/systemctl restart circonus-irondb

Repeat the import process on each cluster node.

Verify Cluster Communication

Once all nodes have the cluster topology imported and have been restarted, verify that the nodes are communicating with one another by viewing the Replication Latency tab of the IRONdb Operations Dashboard on any node. You should see all of the cluster nodes listed by their IP address and port, and there should be a latency meter for each of the other cluster peers listed within each node's box.

The node currently being viewed is always listed in blue, with the other nodes listed in either green, yellow, or red, depending on when the current node last received a gossip message from that node. If a node is listed in black, then no gossip message has been received from that node since the current node started. Ensure that the nodes can communicate with each other via port 8112 over both TCP and UDP. See the Replication Latency tab documentation for details on the information visible in this tab.


An installed node may be updated to the latest available version of IRONdb by following these steps:


/usr/bin/yum update circonus-platform-irondb && \
/bin/systemctl restart circonus-irondb

Ubuntu 20.04:

We have a helper package on Ubuntu that works around issues with dependency resolution, since IRONdb is very specific about the versions of dependent Circonus packages, and apt-get is unable to cope with them. The helper package must be upgraded first, i.e., it cannot be upgraded in the same transaction as the main package.

/usr/bin/apt-get update && \
/usr/bin/apt-get install circonus-platform-irondb-apt-policy && \
/usr/bin/apt-get install circonus-platform-irondb && \
/bin/systemctl restart circonus-irondb

In a cluster of IRONdb nodes, service restarts should be staggered so as not to jeopardize availability of metric data. An interval of 30 seconds between node restarts is considered safe.