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Each IRONdb node exposes a wealth of information about its internal operation. There are two ways to obtain this data: pulling JSON from a REST stats endpoint, or having IRONdb push its own stats into a particular account/check using a loadable module. In both cases, the metrics exposed are the same.

The types of statistics available are described in the Internal Stats section of the Operations page.

The JSON endpoint is best for viewing live information, and for long-term trending when IRONdb is part of a full Circonus Inside, on-premises deployment. The internal monitor module is best suited to long-term trending in standalone IRONdb deployments. Its metrics may be retrieved using one of the type-specific data retrieval APIs.

Both methods are described below.


JSON-formatted metrics are available from two REST endpoints, each having two format options:

  • http://<nodename or ip>:8112/stats.json or /stats.json?format=tagged
  • http://<nodename or ip>:8112/mtev/stats.json or /mtev/stats.json?format=tagged

The first endpoint provides application-level statistics, such as database performance, replication latencies, topology info, etc. These are the same metrics that are visible in the UI Internals tab Stats pane under the snowth. namespace.

The second endpoint provides libmtev framework statistics, such as job queue latencies, memory management, and REST API latencies. These are the same metrics that are visible in the UI Internals tab Stats pane under the mtev. namespace.

The format options are discussed below.

Changing an existing check against the default format to tagged format, or vice versa, will result in different metric names, even though the data represented is the same.

JSON Default Format

The default format for metric names is hierarchical. The broadest category of statistics is the top level, descending to more specific sub-categories, and finally listing individual metrics.

For example, the raw database PUT latency histogram metric is represented in the default format as:

"db": {
"raw": {
"put`latency": {
"_type": "h",
"_value": [ (histogram values) ]

which results in a metric named:


There are no tags in the default format.

JSON Tagged Format

The tag format is still in development. Names of metrics and tags may change without warning.

If provided the query string format=tagged, both endpoints will produce metrics with stream tags instead of the hierarchy used in the default format. The same metric from above is represented in tagged format as:

"latency|ST[app:snowth,db-impl:nom,db-type:raw,operation:put,snowth-node-id:(node-uuid),units:seconds]": {
"_type": "h",
"_value": [ (histogram values) ]

which results in a metric named latency with tags indicating the database type (raw) and the type of operation (put) that are encoded in the metric name in the default format. There are additional tags for the node's UUID and a "units" tag indicating what the metric's value represents. In this case it is seconds.

Monitor Module

This module is still in development. Names of metrics and tags may change without warning.

The internal monitor module exports all of the same statistics (both application and libmtev framework) as the JSON endpoints above. It records them in the tagged format (described above) under a designated account ID and check UUID. The module may be configured to store these metrics at intervals ranging from 1 second to several minutes or more.

Metrics stored by the monitor module are replicated to additional nodes (if any) in the same way as metrics ingested from outside.

The monitor module is not enabled by default. To enable it, add the following configuration to /opt/circonus/etc/irondb-modules-site.conf, generate a new UUID and use it to replace the null uuid in the example, and then restart the IRONdb service:

<generic image="monitor" name="monitor">

This file will preserve local edits across package updates.

Available configuration parameters:

  • uuid (required): The check UUID under which the module's metrics should be stored. This cannot be the null UUID (all 0s).
  • account_id (optional): The account ID with which to associate the module's metrics. Default: 1
  • period (optional): The collection period for metrics. Specified as an integer suffixed by one of (ms|s|min|hr). Minimum value is 1 second. Default: 60s
  • filter (optional): The tag query specifying which metrics are stored by the module. If no filter is specified, all metrics will be stored. Default: No filter

The check UUID is an identifier for grouping the internal metrics together. It is recommended that you choose a UUID that is different from any associated with Graphite, Prometheus, or OpenTSDB listener configurations. This will ensure that the internal metrics are not mixed in with your external time series data. Likewise, account_id may be used as another level of segregation, or you may choose to leave the metrics in the same account ID as your other metrics.

Viewing Monitor Metrics

To get a list of metrics recorded by the module, perform a tag query using the synthetic __check_uuid tag:

curl '<account_id>/tags?query=and(__check_uuid:<check_uuid>)'

The search results may be narrowed by including additional tags. In the following example, we are looking for the latency of raw-database PUT operations:

curl 'localhost:8112/find/1/tags?query=and(__check_uuid:d8c204ed-c2b6-4704-b6ec-f87787aad21f,db-type:raw,operation:put,__name:latency)'

which produces this result:

"uuid": "d8c204ed-c2b6-4704-b6ec-f87787aad21f",
"check_name": "irondb-monitor",
"metric_name": "latency|ST[app:snowth,db-impl:nom,db-type:raw,operation:put,snowth-node-id:12c07a06-2662-4ceb-86a8-ccd05eef0f48,units:seconds]",
"category": "reconnoiter",
"type": "histogram",
"account_id": 1

The metric is reported to be a histogram, so using the histogram read API we can fetch some data for this metric. We need to URL-encode the metric name since it contains some characters that are not allowed in URLs.

curl 'localhost:8112/histogram/1557934740/1557934799/60/d8c204ed-c2b6-4704-b6ec-f87787aad21f/latency%7CST%5Bapp%3Asnowth%2Cdb-impl%3Anom%2Cdb-type%3Araw%2Coperation%3Aput%2Csnowth-node-id%3A12c07a06-2662-4ceb-86a8-ccd05eef0f48%2Cunits%3Aseconds%5D'


"+75e-005": 1,
"+79e-005": 2,
"+82e-005": 2,
"+83e-005": 1,
"+84e-005": 1,
"+86e-005": 2,
"+88e-005": 1,
"+89e-005": 3,
"+90e-005": 1,
"+92e-005": 2,
"+93e-005": 2,
"+95e-005": 1,
"+10e-004": 11,
"+11e-004": 7,
"+12e-004": 7,
"+13e-004": 10,
"+14e-004": 8,
"+15e-004": 5,
"+16e-004": 12,
"+17e-004": 15,
"+18e-004": 5,
"+19e-004": 5