🗃️ Circonus Unified Agent
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📄️ Circonus Agent
The circonus-agent is intended to be a drop-in replacement for NAD. There is, however, one specific caveat -- native plugins (.js) do not work. Unless modified to run node independently and follow plugin output guidelines. Additionally, as of v1, the circonus-agent only supports stream tags (if it is dropped in an existing NAD install, the metric names will change). If metric name continuity is required, use the v0 circonus-agent releases.
📄️ Circonus Cloud Agent
The Circonus Cloud Agent can be used to monitor AWS, GCP, and Azure. Instructions for each platform are outlined below.
📄️ Circonus Kubernetes Agent
The Circonus Kubernetes Agent is designed to retrieve metrics from a Kubernetes cluster. It runs as a deployment and forwards Kubernetes provided metrics for cluster, nodes, pods, and containers to Circonus.
📄️ Circonus Logwatch
Circonus Logwatch is a small utility for extracting metrics from log files and forwarding to Circonus.
📄️ Node Agent Daemon (NAD)
Category:* agent
📄️ Node Windows Agent
Category:* agent