Graphite to CAQL Conversion
Supported Functions
Below you'll find the Graphite functions that we directly support and their CAQL equivalents.
Graphite Function | CAQL Equivalent | Notes |
absolute(seriesList) | math:abs() | |
add(seriesList, constant) | find(...) \| each:add(x) | |
aggregate(seriesList, func, xFilesFactor=None) | find(...) \| stats:<func>('VIEW_PERIOD') | |
aggregateLine(seriesList, func='average', keepStep=False) | find(...) \| rolling:<func>('VIEW_PERIOD') | |
aggregateWithWildcards(seriesList, func, *positions) | find(seriesList) \| graphite:removenode(positions) \| group_by:<func>('__name') | |
alias(seriesList, newName) | find(...) \| label("new_label") | |
aliasByMetric(seriesList) | tag:synth \| label | |
aliasByNode(seriesList, *nodes) | find(...) \| graphite:aliasbynode(<NODE NUMBER>) | |
aliasByTags(seriesList, *tags) | find(...) \| graphite:aliasbytags(tag1, tag2...) | |
aliasSub(seriesList, search, replace) | find(...) \| graphite:aliasSub('search', 'replace') | |
alpha(seriesList, alpha) | pass() | CAQL is not supporting output picture manipulation |
areaBetween(seriesList) | pass() | CAQL is not supporting output picture manipulation |
asPercent(S) | graphite:find(S) \| stats:ratio(of=100) | Returns percentage from a total sum or serie S |
asPercent(S, N) | graphite:find(S) \| each:mul(100) \| each:div(N) | Returns percentage of serie S from number N |
asPercent(S1, S2) | op:div2{graphite:find(S1),graphite:find(S2)} \| each:mul(100) | Returns percentage of series S1 from series S2. Unfortunately, this translation works only with series but not seriesLists, because CAQL has no determined order of series lists, as Graphite has. |
asPercent(S1, S2, N) | op:div2{graphite:find(S1) \| graphite:tagbynode('__gbtag',N),graphite:find(S2) \|graphite:tagbynode('__gbtag',N) \|group_by:sum('__gbtag')}\| each:mul(100) | Returns percentage of series S1 from sum of series S2 made by node N (same as sumSeriesWithWildcards(S2, N)). Unfortunately, this translation works only with series but not seriesLists, because CAQL has no determined order of series lists, as Graphite has. |
asPercent(S1, None, N) | graphite:find(S1) \| graphite:tagbynode('__gbtag',N) \| stats:ratio(of=100,partition='__gbtag') | Return percentage of series or serieslist S1 from sum of itself by node N. |
averageAbove(seriesList, n) | find(...) \| filter:mean:gt(x) | |
averageBelow(seriesList, n) | find(...) \| filter:mean:lt(x) | |
averageOutsidePercentile(seriesList, n) | find(...) \| graphite:averageoutsidepercentile(lower_percentile=n) | |
averageSeries(*seriesLists) | find(...) \| stats:mean | |
averageSeriesWithWildcards(seriesList, *position) | find(seriesList) \| graphite:removenode(position) \| group_by:mean('__name') | |
avg(*seriesLists) | alias for averageSeries(*seriesLists) | |
changed(seriesList) | find(seriesList) \| diff() \| math:abs() \| op:gt(0) | |
color(seriesList, theColor) | pass() | CAQL is not supporting output picture manipulation |
consolidateBy(seriesList, consolidationFunc) | find(...) \| window:<sum\|max\|min\|etc.>([period=VIEW_PERIOD]) | |
constantLine(value) | time:epoch() \| op:gt(0) \| each:mul(value) | |
countSeries(*seriesLists) | \| count() | |
currentAbove(seriesList, n) | graphite:find(seriesList) \| filter:latest:gt(n) | |
currentBelow(seriesList, n) | graphite:find(seriesList) \| filter:latest:leq(n) | |
cumulative(seriesList) | find(...) \| window:sum('VIEW_PERIOD') | |
dashed(seriesList, dashLength=5) | pass() | CAQL is not supporting output picture manipulation |
delay(seriesList, steps) | find(seriesList) \| delay(<steps>M) | same as timeShift() but supports only datapoints |
derivative(seriesList) | find(...) \| diff() | |
diffSeries(*seriesLists) | find(...) \| op:sub() | first argument must be a single metric; if the find() gets multiples, then behavior will be wrong |
divideSeries(dividendSeriesList, divisorSeries) | op:div { find(dividendSeriesList), find(divisorSeries) } | |
divideSeriesLists(dividendSeriesList, divisorSeriesList) | `op:div { find(dividendSeriesList) | vector(), find(divisorSeriesList) | vector()} | vector:unpack()` |
events(*tags) | pass() | we do not support the Graphite events API |
exclude(seriesList, pattern) | exclude:label | queries with exclude should be rewritten to not request the things being excluded |
exp(seriesList) | find(seriesList) \| math:exp() | |
exponentialMovingAverage(seriesList, windowSize) | find(seriesList) \| forecasting:ewma(0.5) | we're ignoring interval and replacing it with some arbitrary alpha value (0.5) |
fallbackSeries(seriesList, fallback) | `if{graphite:find(seriesList) | count(),graphite:find(seriesList),graphite:find(fallback)}` |
filterSeries(seriesList, func, operator, threshold) | graphite:find('seriesList') \| window:func('VIEW_PERIOD') \| filter:all:OP(threshold) | |
grep(seriesList, pattern) | find(seriesList) \| filter:label:matches(pattern) | |
group(*seriesLists) | pass() | |
groupByNode(seriesList, nodeNum, callback='average') | group_by::<agg>(__tag) | |
groupByNodes(seriesList, callback, *nodes) | group_by::<agg>(__tag) | |
groupByTags(seriesList, callback, *tags) | group_by::<agg>(__tag) | |
highest(seriesList, n=1, func='average') | find(...) \| sort:<func> \| filter:limit(n) | func can be only max, min and average |
highestAverage(seriesList, n) | \| top(1) | |
highestMax(seriesList, n) | \| top(1, method="max") | |
hitcount(seriesList, intervalString, alignToInterval=False) | \| window:sum(interval) \| each:mul(interval) | |
holtWintersAberration(seriesList, delta=3, bootstrapInterval='7d', seasonality='1d') | graphite:holtwintersaberration | |
holtWintersConfidenceArea(seriesList, delta=3, bootstrapInterval='7d', seasonality='1d') | graphite:holtwintersconfidencebands | Can be translated as AreaBetween(holtWintersConfidenceBands(...)) but AreaBetween() is just pass() in CAQL |
holtWintersConfidenceBands(seriesList, delta=3, bootstrapInterval='7d', seasonality='1d') | graphite:holtwintersconfidencebands | |
holtWintersForecast(seriesList, bootstrapInterval='7d', seasonality='1d') | graphite:holtwintersforecast | |
identity(name) | time:epoch() \| label('name') | |
integral(seriesList) | find(...) \| integrate | |
integralByInterval(seriesList, intervalUnit) | find(seriesList) \| graphite:integralbyinterval(interval=intervalUnit) | |
interpolate(seriesList, limit=inf) | find(seriesList) \| graphite:interpolate(limit=N) | |
invert(seriesList) | op:exp(-1) | |
isNonNull(seriesList) | \| count() | |
keepLastValue(seriesList, limit=inf) | find(...) \| fill:forward | second argument ignored |
legendValue(seriesList, *valueTypes) | pass() | CAQL is not supporting output picture manipulation |
limit(seriesList, n) | filter:limit() | |
linearRegression(seriesList, startSourceAt=None, endSourceAt=None) | find(seriesList) \| graphite:linearregression(bootstrap=N) | Only startSourceAt parameter supported, in relative form, e.g. '-2d' |
lineWidth(seriesList, width) | pass() | CAQL is not supporting output picture manipulation |
logarithm(seriesList, base=10) | find(seriesList) \| math:log(base) | |
logit(seriesList) | \| math:logit() | |
lowest(seriesList, n=1, func='average') | find(...) \| sort:<func>(reverse=1) \| filter:limit(n) | func can be only max, min and average |
lowestAverage(seriesList, n) | find(...) \| sort:mean(reverse=1) \| filter:limit(n) | |
maximumAbove(seriesList, n) | filter::all:gt | |
maximumBelow(seriesList, n) | filter:all:lt | |
maxSeries(*seriesLists) | find(...) \| stats:max() | |
minimumAbove(seriesList, n) | filter:all:gt | |
minimumBelow(seriesList, n) | filter:all:lt | |
minMax(seriesList) | normalize() | |
minSeries(*seriesLists) | find(...) \| stats:min() | |
movingAverage(seriesList, windowSize, xFilesFactor=None) | find(...) \| rolling:mean(<window_duration>) | |
movingMax(seriesList, windowSize, xFilesFactor=None) | find(...) \| rolling:max(<window_dur>) | |
movingMedian(seriesList, windowSize, xFilesFactor=None) | find(...) \| rolling:percentile(<window_dur>, 50) | |
movingMin(seriesList, windowSize, xFilesFactor=None) | find(...) \| rolling:min(<window_dur>) | |
movingSum(seriesList, windowSize, xFilesFactor=None) | find(...) \| rolling:sum(<window_duration>) | |
movingWindow(seriesList, windowSize, func='average', xFilesFactor=None) | find(seriesList) \| rolling:<func>(<window_duration>) | we're ignoring xFilesFactor parameter |
multiplySeries(*seriesLists) | op:prod{ find("metric1"), find("metric2"), find("metricN") } | |
multiplySeriesWithWildcards(seriesList, *position) | find(seriesList) \| graphite:removenode(position) \| group_by:prod('__name') | |
nonNegativeDerivative(seriesList, maxValue=None, minValue=None) | \| counter() \| each:mul(60) | |
nPercentile(seriesList, n) | find(...) \| rolling:percentile(VIEW_PERIOD,n) | |
offset(seriesList, factor) | find(...) \| each:add(x) | |
offsetToZero(seriesList) | graphite:offsettozero() | |
rangeOfSeries(*seriesLists) | graphite:rangeofseries() | |
percentileOfSeries(seriesList, n, interpolate=False) | find(...) \| stats:percentile(N) | |
perSecond(seriesList, maxValue=None, minValue=None) | find() \| counter() | |
pieAverage(series) | find(...) \| stats:mean | CAQL not supporting pie graphs, but we're replacing it with average function |
pieMaximum(series) | find(...) \| stats:max | CAQL not supporting pie graphs, but we're replacing it with max function |
pieMinimum(series) | find(...) \| stats:min | CAQL not supporting pie graphs, but we're replacing it with min function |
pow(seriesList, factor) | find(...) \| each:exp(factor) | |
powSeries(*seriesLists) | find(...) \| op:exp() | |
randomWalkFunction(name, step=60) | randomwalk() | Name and step parameter are ignored |
removeAbovePercentile(seriesList, n) | filter:values:percentile:lt | |
removeAboveValue(seriesList, n) | find(...) \| filter:all:lt([filter_value]) | |
removeBelowPercentile(seriesList, n) | filter:values:percentile:gt | |
removeBelowValue(seriesList, n) | find(...) \| filter:all:gt([filter_value]) | |
removeBetweenPercentile(seriesList, n) | find(...) \| graphite:removebetweenpercentile(lower_percentile=n) | |
removeEmptySeries(seriesList, xFilesFactor=None) | filter:all:<>:missing | for the second arg, only 0 or 1 is supported |
roundFunction(seriesList, precision=None) | find(seriesList) \| math:floor() | precision is ignored, i.e. only rounds to integer |
scale(seriesList, factor) | find(...) \| each:mul(x) | |
scaleToSeconds(seriesList, seconds) | \| each:mul(x) \| each:div(60) | |
secondYAxis(seriesList) | pass() | CAQL is not supporting output picture manipulation, but user can choose second Y axis in graph options |
setXFilesFactor(seriesList, xFilesFactor) | pass() | setXFilesFactor has not many sense in CAQL |
sigmoid(seriesList) | \| math:sigmoid() | |
sinFunction(name, amplitude=1, step=60) | \| math:sin() \| each:mul(amplitude) | Step is not supported because it's outside of CAQL control |
smartSummarize(seriesList, intervalString, func='sum', alignTo=None) | find(...) \| window:<sum\|count\|mean\|stddev\|max\|min\|first\|last\|percentile>(<window_duration>) | |
sortBy(seriesList, func='average', reverse=False) | ... \| sort:<func>(reverse=X) | func can be only max, min and average |
sortByMaxima(seriesList) | ... \| sort:max() | |
sortByMinima(seriesList) | ... \| filter:all:gt(0) \| sort:min() | |
sortByName(seriesList, natural=False, reverse=False) | ... \| sort:name | |
sortByTotal(seriesList) | pass() | no need to sort in CAQL - passthrough |
squareRoot(seriesList) | \| each:exp(0.5) | |
stddevSeries(*seriesLists) | find(...) \| stats:stddev() | |
stdev(seriesList, points, windowTolerance=0.1) | find(...) \| rolling:stddev(<points>M) | points assumed in minutes, windowTolerance ignored |
substr(seriesList, start=0, stop=0) | \| graphite:substr(start, stop) | |
summarize(seriesList, intervalString, func='sum', alignToFrom=False) | find(...) \| window:sum() | alignToFrom=True is ignored |
sum() | alias for sumSeries() | |
sumSeries(*seriesLists) | find(...) \| stats:sum() | |
sumSeriesWithWildcards(seriesList, *position) | find(seriesList) \| graphite:removenode(position) \| group_by:sum('__name') | |
time(name, step=60) | time:epoch() \| label("name") | Alias for timeFunction() , see below |
timeFunction(name, step=60) | time:epoch() \| label("name") | Step is not supported because it's outside of CAQL control |
timeShift(seriesList, timeShift, resetEnd=True, alignDST=False) | \| delay() | |
timeSlice(seriesList, startSliceAt, endSliceAt='now') | \| filter:whence() | startSliceAt/endSliceAt parameters can be either absolute unix timestamp or relative format (e.g. '-6h') |
transformNull(seriesList, default=0, referenceSeries=None) | find(...) \| fill([value]) | |
threshold(value, label=None, color=None) | pass() | CAQL is not supporting output picture manipulation |
unique(*seriesLists) | find(...) \| filter:label:unique() | |
useSeriesAbove(seriesList, value, search, replace) | \| filter:any:geq(value) \| graphite:aliassub(search, replace) | |
verticalLine(ts, label=None, color=None) | pass() | CAQL is not supporting output picture manipulation |
Functions Not Yet Supported
The following Graphite functions are not currently available in CAQL but can be implemented.
Functions that will not be supported
Graphite Function |
applyByNode(seriesList, nodeNum, templateFunction, newName=None) |