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Data Submission

Writing Raw Data

In contrast to the other submission APIs (numeric, text, histogram), which accept specifically-typed data, the raw API accepts direct input of measurement data at arbitrary frequencies. It stores every measurement as it was received, for a configurable amount of time, before aging it out to a rollup format.

Metric records are in one of several formats, and are accepted as either tab-separated values or as FlatBuffer messages.

Metric Record Formats

Raw metric records may be submitted in one of several formats, depending on the type of metric data contained within.

TSV Format



TSV Method


TSV Numeric or Text Metric Format

Individual numeric or text metrics submitted to the raw endpoint as lines of ASCII characters use the following format, referred to as an M record:


Components are separated by TAB characters. Multiple records may be sent in the same operation, separated by newline (\n).

  • M : Denotes an M record.
  • TIMESTAMP : An epoch timestamp recording the time of the observation, with milliseconds. In terms of format, it is %lu.%03lu, i.e., 1516820826.120. While this might look like a float, it is, in fact, a strict textual format that requires exactly three digits after the decimal point. These must always be included, even if they are 000.
  • UUID : An identifier of the account and check to which this metric belongs. Despite its name, this identifier must be in the form:
    • TARGET is conventionally the IP address of the check target, but may be any meaningful string identifying the subject of the check.
    • MODULE is conventionally the name of the Reconnoiter check module.
    • CIRCONUS_NAME is what determines both the account and check to which this metric belongs. It has the form c_ACCOUNT-ID_CHECK-BUNDLE-ID::MODULE. ACCOUNT-ID is the most significant, as this is how metric data is partitioned within IRONdb.
    • lower-cased-uuid is the check UUID, lower-cased.
  • NAME : The name of this metric.
  • TYPE : The type of data that the VALUE represents:
    • i: int32
    • I: uint32
    • l: int64
    • L: uint64
    • n: double
    • s: string
  • VALUE : The value observed. VALUE is always a string or [[null]] (never encoded/packed).

Numeric measurements which collide on TIMESTAMP/UUID/NAME will store the largest absolute value for that time period, by default. This behavior is configurable.

A sample M record:

M   1512691226.137`http`c_123_987654::http`1b988fd7-d1e1-48ec-848e-55709511d43f    duration    I   1

This is a metric, duration, on account 123, for the HTTP check 1b988fd7-d1e1-48ec-848e-55709511d43f with a TYPE of uint32 (I) and a VALUE of 1.

TSV Histogram Metric Format

Histogram submission is similar to M records above, but instead of a single-value payload, a base64-encoded serialization of the histogram structure is used. This is referred to as an H1 record. As with M records, the components are tab-separated.

  • TIMESTAMP : Same as with M records above.
  • UUID : Same as with M records above.
  • NAME : Same as with M records above.
  • HISTOGRAM : A base64-encoded, serialized histogram. See the hist_serialize() function in libcircllhist, the reference implementation of histograms in Circonus.

A sample H1 record:

H1  1512691200.000`ping_icmp`c_123_45678::ping_icmp`c50361d8-7565-4f04-8128-3cd2613dbc82   maximum AAFQ/gAB

This is a histogram of values for the metric maximum, on an ICMP check for account 123.

FlatBuffer Format

FlatBuffer URI


FlatBuffer Method


FlatBuffer Format

A FlatBuffer metric payload is submitted as a MetricList as specified in the Reconnoiter FlatBuffer source.

When submitting FlatBuffer-encoded metrics, a client must set the HTTP header Content-Type to application/x-circonus-metric-list-flatbuffer and set the HTTP header X-Snowth-Datapoints to the number of data points within the raw submission.

Writing Text Data

This is legacy endpoint. It is recommended to use the Raw Data submission endpoint to submit text data.

This API call is for writing text data into the IRONdb cluster. It sends a JSON object containing the data to be added to the cluster.






JSON Format

  • metric : The name of the metric for which data is added.
  • id : The UUID of the check for the metric for which data is added.
  • offset : The timestamp, represented in time since the epoch, for which data added.
  • value : The text string to add to the IRONdb cluster.


The following example uses a file, data.json, containing the JSON object below and posts it to an IRONdb node.

curl -X POST \
-d @data.json \

The JSON object below will add data to the IRONdb cluster for two text metrics, named "textexample1" and "textexample2". The data will be added at offset 1408724400 (August 22, 2014, 12:20:00 GMT).

data.json contents:

"offset": "1408724400",
"id": "ae0f7f90-2a6b-481c-9cf5-21a31837020e",
"metric": "textexample1",
"value": "this_is_a_test"
"offset": "1408724400",
"id": "ae0f7f90-2a6b-481c-9cf5-21a31837020e",
"metric": "textexample2",
"value": "this_is_also_a_test"

Writing Histogram Data

This is legacy endpoint. It is recommended to use the Raw Data submission endpoint to submit histogram data.

This API call is for writing histogram data into the IRONdb cluster. The data will be sent as a JSON object containing the data to be added to the cluster.






JSON Format

  • metric : The name of the metric for which data is added.
  • id : The UUID of the check for the metric for which data is added.
  • offset : The timestamp, represented in time since the epoch, for which data is added.
  • period : The period for which to add the histogram data. Typically, this will be the smallest histogram period configured on the IRONdb cluster.
  • histogram : A base64-encoded compressed representation of the histogram data for this time period.


The following example uses a file, data.json, containing the JSON object below and posts it to an IRONdb node.

curl -X POST \
-d @data.json \

The example JSON object below will add data to the IRONdb cluster for two histogram metrics, named "example1" and "example2". The data will be added at offset 1408724400 (August 22, 2014, 12:20:00 GMT).

data.json contents:

"offset": 1408724400,
"id": "ae0f7f90-2a6b-481c-9cf5-21a31837020e",
"metric": "example1",
"period": 60,
"histogram": "AAA="
"offset": 1408724400,
"id": "ae0f7f90-2a6b-481c-9cf5-21a31837020e",
"metric": "example2",
"period": 60,
"histogram": "AAA="

Writing Numeric Data

This is legacy endpoint. It is recommended to use the Raw Data submission endpoint to submit numeric data.

This API call is for writing NNT (numeric) data into the IRONdb cluster. It will send a JSON object containing the data to be added to the cluster.

Data should be added for the smallest rollup that exists on the IRONdb node. For example, if the smallest rollup on the cluster is 300 seconds (five minutes), five minute data should be added.






JSON Format

  • metric : The name of the metric for which data is added.
  • id : The UUID of the check for the metric for which data is added.
  • offset : The timestamp, represented in time since the epoch, for which data is added.
  • count : The number of data points received for the metric over the specified time period.
  • value : The average value for the metric over the specified time period.
  • derivative : The derivative value for the metric over the specified time period.
  • counter : The counter value for the metric over the specified time period.
  • stddev : The standard deviation of the average value for the metric over the specified time period.
  • derivative_stddev : The standard deviation of the derivative value for the metric over the specified time period.
  • counter_stddev : The standard deviation of the counter value for the metric over the specified time period.
  • parts : An optional array that contains the raw values that were used to calculate the values used above. The data is in the form of a tuple: the period (in seconds) that makes up the partial data, and an array of JSON objects that contains all of the fields above, except for "offset", "metric", and "id". The period value should be the values that are used to make up the smallest rollup. For example, if the smallest rollup is 300 seconds (five minutes) and that data was formed using 60 second (one minute) data, the "parts" data should have a period of 60, followed by five JSON objects describing the data at each interval.


The following example uses a file, data.json, containing the JSON object below and posts it to an IRONdb node.

curl -X POST \
-d @data.json \

The JSON object below will add data to the IRONdb cluster for two metrics, named "example1" and "example2". It assumes a smallest rollup value of 300 seconds and includes part data on 60 second intervals. The data will be added at offset 1408724400 (August 22, 2014, 12:20:00 GMT).

data.json contents:

"derivative": 0,
"counter": 0,
"value": 100,
"count": 5,
"stddev": 0,
"derivative_stddev": 0,
"counter_stddev": 0,
"offset": 1408724400,
"id": "ae0f7f90-2a6b-481c-9cf5-21a31837020e",
"metric": "example1",
"parts": [
"derivative": 0,
"counter": 0,
"value": 100,
"count": 1,
"stddev": 0,
"derivative_stddev": 0,
"counter_stddev": 0
"derivative": 0,
"counter": 0,
"value": 100,
"count": 1,
"stddev": 0,
"derivative_stddev": 0,
"counter_stddev": 0
"derivative": 0,
"counter": 0,
"value": 100,
"count": 1,
"stddev": 0,
"derivative_stddev": 0,
"counter_stddev": 0
"derivative": 0,
"counter": 0,
"value": 100,
"count": 1,
"stddev": 0,
"derivative_stddev": 0,
"counter_stddev": 0
"derivative": 0,
"counter": 0,
"value": 100,
"count": 1,
"stddev": 0,
"derivative_stddev": 0,
"counter_stddev": 0
"derivative": 0,
"counter": 0,
"value": 100,
"count": 5,
"stddev": 0,
"derivative_stddev": 0,
"counter_stddev": 0,
"offset": 1408724400,
"id": "ae0f7f90-2a6b-481c-9cf5-21a31837020e",
"metric": "example2",
"parts": [
"derivative": 0,
"counter": 0,
"value": 100,
"count": 1,
"stddev": 0,
"derivative_stddev": 0,
"counter_stddev": 0
"derivative": 0,
"counter": 0,
"value": 100,
"count": 1,
"stddev": 0,
"derivative_stddev": 0,
"counter_stddev": 0
"derivative": 0,
"counter": 0,
"value": 100,
"count": 1,
"stddev": 0,
"derivative_stddev": 0,
"counter_stddev": 0
"derivative": 0,
"counter": 0,
"value": 100,
"count": 1,
"stddev": 0,
"derivative_stddev": 0,
"counter_stddev": 0
"derivative": 0,
"counter": 0,
"value": 100,
"count": 1,
"stddev": 0,
"derivative_stddev": 0,
"counter_stddev": 0