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The statsd plugin is a special type of plugin which runs a backgrounded statsd listener service while agent is running.

The format of the statsd messages was based on the format described in the original etsy statsd implementation. In short, the agent statsd listener will accept:

  • Gauges

    • users.current.den001.myapp:32|g <- standard
    • users.current.den001.myapp:+10|g <- additive
    • users.current.den001.myapp:-10|g
  • Counters

    • deploys.test.myservice:1|c <- increments by 1
    • deploys.test.myservice:101|c <- increments by 101
    • deploys.test.myservice:1|c|@0.1 <- with sample rate, increments by 10
  • Sets

    • users.unique:101|s
    • users.unique:101|s
    • users.unique:102|s <- would result in a count of 2 for users.unique
  • Timings & Histograms

    • load.time:320|ms
    • load.time.nanoseconds:1|h
    • load.time:200|ms|@0.1 <- sampled 1/10 of the time

It is possible to omit repetitive names and merge individual stats into a single line by separating them with additional colons:

  • users.current.den001.myapp:32|g:+10|g:-10|g
  • deploys.test.myservice:1|c:101|c:1|c|@0.1
  • users.unique:101|s:101|s:102|s
  • load.time:320|ms:200|ms|@0.1

This also allows for mixed types in a single line:

  • foo:1|c:200|ms

The string foo:1|c:200|ms is internally split into two individual metrics foo:1|c and foo:200|ms which are added to the aggregator separately.


# Statsd Server
## Instance ID -- required
instance_id = ""

## Protocol, must be "tcp", "udp4", "udp6" or "udp" (default=udp)
protocol = "udp"

## MaxTCPConnection - applicable when protocol is set to tcp (default=250)
max_tcp_connections = 250

## Enable TCP keep alive probes (default=false)
tcp_keep_alive = false

## Specifies the keep-alive period for an active network connection.
## Only applies to TCP sockets and will be ignored if tcp_keep_alive is false.
## Defaults to the OS configuration.
# tcp_keep_alive_period = "2h"

## Address and port to host UDP listener on
service_address = ":8125"

## separator to use between elements of a statsd metric
metric_separator = "_"

## Parses extensions to statsd in the datadog statsd format
## currently supports metrics and datadog tags.
datadog_extensions = true

## Statsd data translation templates, more info can be read here:
# templates = [
# "cpu.* measurement*"
# ]

## Number of UDP messages allowed to queue up, once filled,
## the statsd server will start dropping packets
allowed_pending_messages = 10000

## Maximum socket buffer size in bytes, once the buffer fills up, metrics
## will start dropping. Defaults to the OS default.
# read_buffer_size = 65535

Plugin arguments

  • protocol string: Protocol used in listener - tcp or udp options

  • max_tcp_connections []int: Maximum number of concurrent TCP connections to allow. Used when protocol is set to tcp.

  • tcp_keep_alive boolean: Enable TCP keep alive probes

  • tcp_keep_alive_period internal.Duration: Specifies the keep-alive period for an active network connection

  • service_address string: Address to listen for statsd UDP packets on

  • allowed_pending_messages integer: Number of messages allowed to queue up waiting to be processed. When this fills, messages will be dropped and logged.
  • templates []string: Templates for transforming statsd buckets into Circonus measurements and tags.

  • datadog_extensions boolean: Enable parsing of DataDog's extensions to dogstatsd format Note: events are ignored at this time.

Templates for Statsd bucket --> measurement name and tags

The plugin supports specifying templates for transforming statsd buckets into measurement names and tags. The templates have a measurement keyword, which can be used to specify parts of the bucket that are to be used in the measurement name. Other words in the template are used as tag names. For example, the following template:

templates = [

would result in the following transformation:|g
=> cpu_load,region=us-west 100

Users can also filter the template to use based on the name of the bucket, using glob matching, like so:

templates = [
"cpu.* measurement.measurement.region",

which would result in the following transformation:|g
=> cpu_load,region=us-west 100

=> mem_cached,host=localhost 256

Consult the Template Patterns documentation for additional details.