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For automated monitoring of a Kubernetes cluster, install the Circonus Kubernetes Agent. Follow the provided instructions to install the agent and run it; the agent will automatically create a Kubernetes check for its metrics.

The Circonus Kubernetes Agent relies on kube-state-metrics to be installed and enabled within your cluster.


1. Clone repo

Execute the following command within the terminal to clone the repository to a local directory of your choosing:

git clone

2. Edit configs

In deploy/default/configuration.yaml, set the following required attributes:

circonus-api-key Your unique Circonus API token

kubernetes-name The name corresponding to your Kubernetes cluster. We recommend a short, unique string without spaces. The email address that you would like to use for default alerts. See the section entitled default-alerts.json.

3. Deploy

From within the cloned directory (circonus-kubernetes-agent) execute the following command within the terminal to deploy:

kubectl apply -f deploy/default/

The Circonus Kubernetes Agent will fetch a variety of different metrics depending on the services for which it is configured. Learn more