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GCP Cloud APIs


The Circonus GCP Cloud APIs plugin depends on installation of the Circonus Unified Agent (CUA) for Google Cloud Platform (GCP).

CUA uses the Cloud Monitoring API v3 to query Google Cloud Monitoring (formerly Stackdriver).

Please note that this integration accesses APIs which are chargeable; you might incur costs.


## Instance ID is required
instance_id = "gcp"

## GCP Project
project = "erudite-bloom-151019"

## Most metrics are updated no more than once per minute; it is recommended
## to override the agent level interval with a value of 1m or greater.
interval = "1m"

## Maximum number of API calls to make per second. The quota for accounts
## varies, it can be viewed on the API dashboard:
# rate_limit = 14

## The delay and window options control the number of points selected on
## each gather. When set, metrics are gathered between:
## start: now() - delay - window
## end: now() - delay
## Collection delay; if set too low metrics may not yet be available.
# delay = "5m"
## If unset, the window will start at 1m and be updated dynamically to span
## the time between calls (approximately the length of the plugin interval).
# window = "1m"

## TTL for cached list of metric types. This is the maximum amount of time
## it may take to discover new metrics.
# cache_ttl = "1h"

## If true, raw bucket counts are collected for distribution value types.
## For a more lightweight collection, you may wish to disable and use
## distribution_aggregation_aligners instead.
# gather_raw_distribution_buckets = true

## Aggregate functions to be used for metrics whose value type is
## distribution. These aggregate values are recorded in in addition to raw
## bucket counts; if they are enabled.
## For a list of aligner strings see:
# distribution_aggregation_aligners = [
# ]

## Filters can be added to reduce the number of time series matched. All
## functions are supported: starts_with, ends_with, has_substring, and
## one_of. Only the '=' operator is supported.
## The logical operators when combining filters are defined statically using
## the following values:
## filter ::= <resource_labels> {AND <metric_labels>}
## resource_labels ::= <resource_labels> {OR <resource_label>}
## metric_labels ::= <metric_labels> {OR <metric_label>}
## For more details, see
## Resource labels refine the time series selection with the following expression:
## resource.labels.<key> = <value>
# [[inputs.stackdriver.filter.resource_labels]]
# key = "instance_name"
# value = 'starts_with("localhost")'
## Metric labels refine the time series selection with the following expression:
## metric.labels.<key> = <value>
# [[inputs.stackdriver.filter.metric_labels]]
# key = "device_name"
# value = 'one_of("sda", "sdb")'


It is recommended to use a service account to authenticate with the Stackdriver Monitoring API. Getting Started with Authentication.


When agent is ran with --debug, detailed information about the performed queries will be logged.