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This is a service plugin that start an http server and register multiple webhook listeners.

$ circonus-unified-agent config -input-filter webhooks -output-filter circonus >

Change the config file to point to add Circonus API token key you are using and adjust the settings to match your environment. Once that is complete:

$ cp /etc/circonus-unified-agent/circonus-unified-agent.conf
$ sudo service circonus-unified-agent start


## Address and port to host Webhook listener on
service_address = ":1619"

path = "/filestack"

path = "/github"
# secret = ""

path = "/mandrill"

path = "/rollbar"

path = "/papertrail"

path = "/particle"

Available webhooks

Adding new webhooks plugin

  1. Add your webhook plugin inside the webhooks folder
  2. Your plugin must implement the Webhook interface
  3. Import your plugin in the webhooks.go file and add it to the Webhooks struct

Both Github and Rollbar are good example to follow.