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Riemann Listener


The Riemann Listener is a simple input plugin that listens for messages from client that use riemann clients using riemann-protobuff format.


This is a sample configuration for the plugin.

## URL to listen on
## Default is "tcp://:5555"
# service_address = "tcp://:8094"
# service_address = "tcp://"
# service_address = "tcp4://:8094"
# service_address = "tcp6://:8094"
# service_address = "tcp6://[2001:db8::1]:8094"
## Maximum number of concurrent connections.
## 0 (default) is unlimited.
# max_connections = 1024
## Read timeout.
## 0 (default) is unlimited.
# read_timeout = "30s"
## Optional TLS configuration.
# tls_cert = "/opt/circonus/unified-agent/etc/cert.pem"
# tls_key = "/opt/circonus/unified-agent/etc/key.pem"
## Enables client authentication if set.
# tls_allowed_cacerts = ["/opt/circonus/unified-agent/etc/clientca.pem"]
## Maximum socket buffer size (in bytes when no unit specified).
# read_buffer_size = "64KiB"
## Period between keep alive probes.
## 0 disables keep alive probes.
## Defaults to the OS configuration.
# keep_alive_period = "5m"

Just like Riemann the default port is 5555. This can be configured, refer configuration above.

Riemann Service is mapped as measurement. metric and TTL are converted into field values. As Riemann tags as simply an array, they are converted into the internal line format key-value, where both key and value are the tags.