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The elasticsearch plugin queries endpoints to obtain Node Stats and optionally Cluster-Health metrics.

In addition, the following optional queries are only made by the master node: Cluster Stats Indices Stats Shard Stats

Specific Elasticsearch endpoints that are queried:

  • Node: either /_nodes/stats or /_nodes/_local/stats depending on 'local' configuration setting
  • Cluster Heath: /_cluster/health?level=indices
  • Cluster Stats: /_cluster/stats
  • Indices Stats: /_all/_stats
  • Shard Stats: /_all/_stats?level=shards

Note that specific statistics information can change between Elasticsearch versions. In general, this plugin attempts to stay as version-generic as possible by tagging high-level categories only and using a generic json parser to make unique field names of whatever statistics names are provided at the mid-low level.


## specify a list of one or more Elasticsearch servers
## you can add username and password to your url to use basic authentication:
## servers = ["http://user:pass@localhost:9200"]
servers = ["http://localhost:9200"]

## Timeout for HTTP requests to the elastic search server(s)
http_timeout = "5s"

## When local is true (the default), the node will read only its own stats.
## Set local to false when you want to read the node stats from all nodes
## of the cluster.
local = true

## Set cluster_health to true when you want to obtain cluster health stats
cluster_health = false

## Adjust cluster_health_level when you want to obtain detailed health stats
## The options are
## - indices (default)
## - cluster
# cluster_health_level = "indices"

## Set cluster_stats to true when you want to obtain cluster stats.
cluster_stats = false

## Only gather cluster_stats from the master node. To work this require local = true
cluster_stats_only_from_master = true

## Indices to collect; can be one or more indices names or _all
indices_include = ["_all"]

## One of "shards", "cluster", "indices"
## Currently only "shards" is implemented
indices_level = "shards"

## node_stats is a list of sub-stats that you want to have gathered. Valid options
## are "indices", "os", "process", "jvm", "thread_pool", "fs", "transport", "http",
## "breaker". Per default, all stats are gathered.
# node_stats = ["jvm", "http"]

## HTTP Basic Authentication username and password.
# username = ""
# password = ""

## Optional TLS Config
# tls_ca = "/etc/circonus-unified-agent/ca.pem"
# tls_cert = "/etc/circonus-unified-agent/cert.pem"
# tls_key = "/etc/circonus-unified-agent/key.pem"
## Use TLS but skip chain & host verification
# insecure_skip_verify = false