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The aerospike plugin queries aerospike server(s) and gets node statistics and stats for all the configured namespaces.

For what the measurements mean, please consult the Aerospike Metrics Reference Docs.

The metric names, to make it less complicated in querying, have replaced all - with _ as Aerospike metrics come in both forms (no idea why).

All metrics are attempted to be cast to integers, then booleans, then strings.


# Read stats from aerospike server(s)
## Aerospike servers to connect to (with port)
## This plugin will query all namespaces the aerospike
## server has configured and get stats for them.
servers = ["localhost:3000"]

# username = "circonus"
# password = "pa$$word"

## Optional TLS Config
# enable_tls = false
# tls_ca = "/etc/circonus-unified-agent/ca.pem"
# tls_cert = "/etc/circonus-unified-agent/cert.pem"
# tls_key = "/etc/circonus-unified-agent/key.pem"
## If false, skip chain & host verification
# insecure_skip_verify = true

# Feature Options
# Add namespace variable to limit the namespaces executed on
# Leave blank to do all
# disable_query_namespaces = true # default false
# namespaces = ["namespace1", "namespace2"]

# Enable set level telmetry
# query_sets = true # default: false
# Add namespace set combinations to limit sets executed on
# Leave blank to do all
# sets = ["namespace1/set1", "namespace1/set2"]
# sets = ["namespace1/set1", "namespace1/set2", "namespace3"]

# Histograms
# enable_ttl_histogram = true # default: false
# enable_object_size_linear_histogram = true # default: false

# by default, aerospike produces a 100 bucket histogram
# this is not great for most graphing tools, this will allow
# the ability to squash this to a smaller number of buckets
# To have a balanced histogram, the number of buckets chosen
# should divide evenly into 100.
# num_histogram_buckets = 100 # default: 10